For four decades, Hadass Rosenberg Nir has been translating ideas and material intuitions into actions on clods of clay. The exhibition Pole Dance brings together several central themes in her work. The name of the exhibition is taken from one of the installations and it seeks to resonate, beyond the literal meaning, also a state of limited movement on a vertical axis within a three-dimensional space. There is a shift of weight and tension between the works and the contents they bring together: home, nature, technology and gender.
בר יוחאי 5, תל אביב
מיקוד 6655622
ב’, ג’, ד’ 10:00-16:00
ה’ 11:00-18:00
ב’, ג’, ד’ 10:00-16:00
ה’ 11:00-18:00
ו’, שבת 10:00-14:00
Site by The-Studio